Deal Ready Series: In conversation with KPMG and Reunion Capital Partners
A fantastic lineup of panelists discuss the key themes of reporting season. What’s been driving markets to date and what could the future look like?
By AnsaradaThu Aug 27 2020Due diligence and dealmaking, Advisors
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As companies the world over review their performance and the impact brought on by COVID-19 and a global shutdown, this reporting season has been the most critical one yet.
M&A activity will be essential for economic recovery, and therefore we can expect to start to see activity pick up – albeit with much more caution and strategic forecasting in the process. Results from our poll show that participants agree, with 36% citing M&A as the transaction type that will dominate the next 12 months. (See discussion on poll results at the 20-minute mark.)
M&A activity will be essential for economic recovery, and therefore we can expect to start to see activity pick up – albeit with much more caution and strategic forecasting in the process. Results from our poll show that participants agree, with 36% citing M&A as the transaction type that will dominate the next 12 months. (See discussion on poll results at the 20-minute mark.)
In this live panel discussion with Rob Penney from Reunion Capital, Hoda Nahlous from KPMG Law, Peter Turner from Corporate Finance at KPMG and our very own Natasha Davidson, we look at what has been driving the markets to date, where the challenges and opportunities lie, and what transactions will dominate in both the short and long term.
Keep an eye out for the next event in the Deal Ready Series, this September in South Africa.
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