Managing risks posed by COVID-19: Why you need to act now and how

The speed and breadth of this crisis has placed a much greater premium on company readiness. Review and response times and quality of decision making depends heavily on the quantity and quality of critical information that's available to management, the board, investors and advisors.

By Sam RileyFri Mar 20 2020Due diligence and dealmaking, Industry news and trends, CEO-CFO, Security and risk management

Having weathered every business downturn for nearly fifty years, we’ve learned an important lesson — nobody ever regrets making fast and decisive adjustments to changing circumstances… In some ways, business mirrors biology. As Darwin surmised, those who survive ‘are not the strongest or the most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change’.
Sequoia Capital
COVID-19 (the coronavirus) has been declared a global pandemic, and every company in the world is taking on significantly more risk as a result. Capital management and liquidity are two of the biggest immediate priorities, combined with corporate and operational restructuring, and debt management. Review and management of these can only be done effectively if the right quantity and quality of information is available. 

Following any review, the execution of actions and decisions made to address a company's situation will involve this information being disclosed in a secure and controlled way to various parties. 
The more prepared a company is to deal with lenders, financiers, investors, potential purchasers – all those people that would be there to help the company if it needed to extend its cash runway, conduct a strategic review, reorganise or restructure operations, sell an asset or business – the better placed it is to weather the disruption posed by unprecedented events we are seeing today. 
If your business needed to raise capital, refinance a debt facility or divest, would you be able to express your company’s value to a third party – today? This week? This month? How quickly could you get an advisor up to speed for the right advice? 

Every key outcome for a business requires due diligence and critical information to be expressed. Potential buyers, investors and financiers can only move fast and make decisions if they can conduct due diligence swiftly with a high degree of confidence. All this maps back to ensuring your company is ready for that outcome. 
The faster and the better a company can do that in this uncertain environment, the greater their advantage will be. And not just for a single event, but for enduring success in the long run and through any economic downturn or uptick. It positions companies to both mitigate risk and seize opportunities quickly and efficiently. 

The Ansarada COVID-19 | Operational, Debt and Capital Review and Management Pathway brings all the required information into one place, so they can assign responsibility to owners, collaborate internally and externally, set target completion dates, flag priorities, identify bottlenecks and monitor progress.

This pathway is foundational and can drive execution of various outcomes, from strategic reviews, debt or equity capital raises, re-financing, restructuring, mergers, asset divestments and whole company sales processes.

We’re now offering it on free 14-day trials so you can measure, address risks and reach critical business outcomes quickly. 

Your Debt & Capital Review and Management Checklist

Use the free checklist to help you review forecasts, capital, debt and operational efficiency, and decide on your best options moving forward.

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