How to quickly raise debt or equity capital
The key is momentum. The longer the process, the riskier it becomes. And the faster you can secure capital, the more certain your business’s future.
By AnsaradaTue Apr 07 2020Debt raising / restructuring, Capital raising, Industry news and trends, CEO-CFO

Did you know the capital raise process takes an average of 9 months?
Recent events have caused cash flow issues for many companies who now find themselves questioning their best options for survival. You need to be ready to act now. Struggling businesses are turning to investment banks for help securing debt and equity financing, in numbers not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis.
“Bankers reckon the bulk of the raisings will likely come in May and June should the cash flow problems persist,” according to the AFR, who reported that investment banks were seeing a huge influx of calls.
Capital is essential for running any business. Debt and/or equity raising are both proven solutions for getting companies the capital they need to maintain their daily operations, but the process can be risky.
Whether you are raising capital by borrowing funds or selling shares to investors, a lot of disclosure needs to occur. Investors ask questions; you need the answers. The current length is a huge amount of work and cost when you are running your business at the same time. This pressure is multiplied tenfold in an uncertain market.
The key is momentum, in order to close the deal faster. The longer the process, the riskier it becomes. And the faster you can secure capital, the more certain your business’s future.
We’ve developed three new Capital Raise Pathways (Debt, Equity and Debt & Equity) which outline the documentation to provide and the steps to take to ensure a swift and secure capital raise, so you can access the capital you need to weather this storm and come out the other side a stronger business.
The Pathways are digitized checklists, with every topic, every document, and everything you need to consider for your raise - whether it’s debt financing, equity financing or both - so you can be confident business is presented in its best light to investors.
Recent events have caused cash flow issues for many companies who now find themselves questioning their best options for survival. You need to be ready to act now. Struggling businesses are turning to investment banks for help securing debt and equity financing, in numbers not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis.
“Bankers reckon the bulk of the raisings will likely come in May and June should the cash flow problems persist,” according to the AFR, who reported that investment banks were seeing a huge influx of calls.
Capital is essential for running any business. Debt and/or equity raising are both proven solutions for getting companies the capital they need to maintain their daily operations, but the process can be risky.
Whether you are raising capital by borrowing funds or selling shares to investors, a lot of disclosure needs to occur. Investors ask questions; you need the answers. The current length is a huge amount of work and cost when you are running your business at the same time. This pressure is multiplied tenfold in an uncertain market.
The key is momentum, in order to close the deal faster. The longer the process, the riskier it becomes. And the faster you can secure capital, the more certain your business’s future.
Introducing three new Cap Raise Pathways
We’ve acted quickly so we can offer you the tooling that will surface your records and allow you to act faster, aided by your professional advisors.We’ve developed three new Capital Raise Pathways (Debt, Equity and Debt & Equity) which outline the documentation to provide and the steps to take to ensure a swift and secure capital raise, so you can access the capital you need to weather this storm and come out the other side a stronger business.
The Pathways are digitized checklists, with every topic, every document, and everything you need to consider for your raise - whether it’s debt financing, equity financing or both - so you can be confident business is presented in its best light to investors.
Get ready to raise on a Pathway today
Start with a no-obligation, no credit card required, 14-day free trial.