NEW Tenders Submission Tool launches
Introducing the integrated, highly secure ‘locked box’ submission tool for tenders
By AnsaradaTue Sep 10 2019Innovation, Tenders

Previously, managing all individual bids has been a complex process, with tendering teams using disparate legacy systems like email, basic eProcurement portals and Excel spreadsheets.
Ansarada’s latest feature keeps submissions private and secure, giving bidders full confidence that project and evaluation teams won’t be able to access until the appropriate time.
The most advanced Tender Platform now handles submissions
The newest addition to the Ansarada Tender Platform is a custom-built Submission Tool that allows bidders to submit their own bid submission directly. The feature enables admins to set a close date and time, and acts as a 'locked box' while submissions are being entered, with all the comprehensive security features that Ansarada offers applied.
Here’s how it works:
- Bidders add files and folders into their own designated, secure area of the platform, which is completely separate from the standard RFP documents and other bidders’ submission areas.
- Only bidders will be able to add, open or amend any files while the submission window is open, while admins will be able to see that progress is being made.
- Once the submissions window is closed, bidders and administrators both get a submission receival, confirming that all documents have been received prior to the deadline.
- The same ‘locked box’ area can then be used by the evaluation teams, to facilitate secure access to bidders’ submissions during the evaluation phase
- A full audit trail of this process is available at any time
Get Ansarada advantage for Tenders
Not only does the new Submission Tool reduce risk and increase efficiency in bid management, it also ensures fairness and accountability for all parties. Benefits include:
- Increase efficiency: Bidders are able to bulk upload their entire submission - including all files, folders and subfolders - with drag and drop functionality. The project team can use a single platform for sharing RFP documents, receiving bids and sharing these files with the evaluation teams, which saves significant time and effort setting up and/or managing other submission rooms or processes.
- Reduce risk: All bidder submission files instantly have full Ansarada security features applied to them when uploaded, which greatly reduces the risk of a data breach. A full audit trail can be generated for any activity regarding bid submission files (if required for legal purposes).
- Meet locked box requirements: During the submission window, only bidders will have access to their submission files, with the project team only getting visibility on progress being made.
- Ease of use: Bidders benefit from an intuitive and simple experience. A ‘submission tab’ allows a simple uploading process of their full submission, including all files and folders. From a project team point of view, the system uses all the same user management and security settings as the rest of the platform.
Like the rest of the Tender Platform solution, the Submission Tool environment is secure by default and keeps all submissions safeguarded with the most stringent probity and audit requirements in mind.