How do I protect my documents once they’ve been downloaded from the data room?
security policy can be applied to any PDF document in the data room. Once this is applied, you can choose to remove access to your documents at any time, no matter where the bidder has saved them offline. Moreover, if one or more bidders drops out of your process, you can remove their access to your documents without affecting access to other bidders who remain involved in the deal.
How can I use the Q&A feature to control my workload?
Q&A features in ansarada data rooms allow dealmakers to decide how many questions they wish to answer daily or weekly. Dealmakers can set limits on the total volume of questions per bidder, limit so-called high priority questions and even restrict questions lodged on weekends.
How can I track which bidders are active in the data room?
There are a variety of
reports available in ansarada data rooms that helps dealmakers understand bidder activity during a deal. An “activity summary” report summarises activity by bidder group or individual user. The “user activity” report provides a detailed analysis of login activity and which documents each individual user has viewed in chronological order.